OXYMORON is a very interesting word. It basically denotes contradictions, we come across so many Oxymoron's in our lives with respect to quotes, experiences, issues and most importantly people.
These are some of THE BEST Oxymoronic lines that I have come across :-)
"Change is the only Constant"
I love the above statement, its pure logic. I have always wondered if there are things that don't change. Now I do know that there are only very few things in life that do not change at all :-) and it can be common to all or it can vary from person to person.
"Marry or choose the one who loves you, not the one whom you love"
Is it only for me that this doesn't makes sense :-) what if the person who loves you reads this quote, now that would be counter productive. If everyone starts following this then we all would just wait for someone to love us till death.
"I'm really Sorry for everything but I have no Regrets"
This is by far the most Oxymoronic dialogue I have ever heard in my life. I'm not going to elaborate why, as this is so.. so.. elementary. Hope no one beats this one :-)
I was so WRONG :-)... someone just beat the above statement by proving to me that it does not limit to just mere statements and a person can eat, live, breathe and glow with OXYMORON personified.