Optimist: Everything's going to be fine. All
will be OK soon. Don't panic. Stay away from negative people and focus only on
positivism. Ignore negativity, this too shall pass. Faith will heal everything.
Don't lose hope.
reading further, your fragile, naive mind may get hurt or you are probably a
psychopath lacking empathy, then you might end up laughing your ass off.)
Pessimist: Things are going to get worse and
all you mofos are gonna die.
Nihilist: People are dying... Yes. More will
die and more should die. I'm going to die one day and all you idiots are also
going to die, the sooner the better. The politicians and the narcissistic
celebrity assholes and the spiritual pimps who peddle god should die first.
The Rich (mostly): I'll safeguard myself at
any and everyone's cost. I'll be safe and I'll mostly parrot the official government’s
statements and will absolutely not say anything critical about anything. My
biggest problems would be how to get through the boredom of self-quarantine.
Also I don't give a fuck about the poor and the less fortunate.
Some middle class Geniuses: I'm privileged
enough to stay home, but my big stupid ego can get hurt. I need big doses of
positive reinforcement to get through my privileged position, so I'll be online
advising others, and promoting the power of positivism. I cannot face reality
as I'm too scared of it or I'm too much of a selfish fuck. Maybe just maybe
when the problems faced by many hit me and my family, only then I'll start to
think critically and complain. Until then I'll mostly parrot the rich guy and
carry forward his ideas and be a dumb citizen. I will keep kneeling down in
front of all the psychopath supreme leaders and continue being a blind
believer. I will see my fellow online warriors (yes, its sarcasm. cue to laugh)
who are cautious and critical about our social systems and believe they are all
crazy. Also I too don't give a fuck about the poor and the less fortunate.
The Poor: I don't know what's going to happen
to me. I might probably die soon, as I am not equipped to even face my day to
day problems let alone a worldwide pandemic. The government doesn't give a shit
about me; the rich might act like they care about me. Some of the middle class
will follow the rich and even blame me for all their problems but I'm sure
there will be many selfless people who actually care and try to fight for
humanity and
Will sit and write shit like this…
Yours Truly,
A privileged selfish middle class Moron
Reality is quite often ignored. Most of us act
according to a present set of circumstances and not according to what we imagine
ourselves to be. You are an Optimist, Pessimist and sometimes a Nihilist
without realizing you practice all of the above. The one who proposes "one
idea rules all" is the conman you need to be aware of. In times of grave
danger, self-preservation takes over. There is nothing wrong in being selfish,
it is indeed inherent to human nature. But we humans are supposed to have
reached an evolved state and having certain limits to your selfishness makes
all the difference. The more self-aware you are about your privileges the less
moronic you might become. Open your eyes to the common good. Symbolic gestures
can be extremely infuriating when people are actually suffering from extreme poverty
and sickness. If you have an accident and are lying on the road bleeding to
death, you want someone to rush you to a hospital and not gather around to sing
songs, light lamps in solidarity for the pain you are in. The actual front-line
warriors in times of any pandemic don't have time to listen to any of our
bullshit. They are too busy saving lives at the cost of risking their own. If
you cannot help them, that's perfectly fine but don't insult them with your
antics and stupidity. Your blinding devotion towards your psychopathic leaders
may actually cost lives of these brave people. Once the governments and the
official systems starts working and takes care of the most primary requirements
and shows their intent in concrete actions, then you can start your worship. Until
then keep asking questions, keep them on their toes. Start practicing CRITICAL
P. S. At least Corona isn't a selfish fuck, it
loves all.