
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

DISTRICT 9 – Directed by Neill Blomkamp

No big Actors, Director or Production House. The only famous name is Peter Jackson who produced this masterpiece. Yes, this one is way better than some of the big budget blockbuster Sci-Fi crap we have seen. This is Neill Blomkamp’s first outing and the movie had 4 Oscar nominations.
The story is about an extraterrestrial race which comes to earth and how they are forced to settle in the slums of South Africa. The government is as usual trying to acquire the alien weapons technology and do crazy experiments on the aliens. I don’t understand why there always seems to be only one government or agency involved in movies which has a world event like aliens coming to earth, as if the rest of the world doesn’t care or exist at all. Also the alien weaponry looks really funny. We can ignore these negatives as there are loads of positives which made this movie a huge success. The protagonist is not your typical buffed up action hero; he is just an average family man.  In the end we end up rooting for the aliens, now how many movies have we had that.
The movie is initially in documentary style but later switches mode with some crazy camera work. Due to the style of presentation this movie looks very real, the documentary style makes you feel as if watching live coverage on a news channel.
A thorough entertainer, watch out for Neill Blomkamp – this guy is going places.

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