
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Beliefs - Part 3

My Beliefs - Subject to change when I'm Wrong.

In the land of BOOTLICKERS, I will choose to CUT my Tongue :-p

Introverts are more often misunderstood as Self Centered Pricks : )

When people try to figure you out, you will have a thousand Definitions.
All of which can be False, True or Both...

People who try to impress and please everyone by playing it safe - show some guts please... might help you to improve your Personality.

Despise the ones who are ALL TALK and NO WORK... (I do despise myself at times : )

Never beg for Respect. When you are actually good at what you do... it is inevitable.

Never argue with a Narrow minded IDIOT, he or she will waste your Time.

If you do not Adapt / Update yourself; you will be Obsolete, History, Incompetent, Boring etc...

LE STUPID - Keep Changing the Mirror and hope for Better.

Even with Everything...
We look Ugly.
So don't even Think of...
Peeling your Skin.

Pradeep Kumar